WORKSHOP HELD- 1) Ancient Civilisations, Culture & Crafts

Workshop- Ancient Civilisations, Culture & Crafts (April- June, 2012) (kids- 6 years and above)

Ancient Civilisations, Culture and Crafts
This included a set of 2 batches of workshops with 7 classes each.

These set of classes were divided into two sets of learning methods-

A) Learning about 6 ancient civisliation from across the globe (including China, Japan, Australia, Egypt, Greece and Aztec)- their culture, traditions, as well as learning through their folktales. Then making one culture symbol from each civilisation with the help of paper, twigs, colours, cardboard, magnets, etc.

B) Making a final project on the basis of various 'Printing Technologies of Different Ancient Cultures'- Where the kids made a final project of printings- inspired by the printing methods of the 6 civilisations that they studied in the earlier 6 classes. The prints were made on utility items so they can use them later on, e.g. t-shirts or mugs for display.

MATERIALS PROVIDED- Booklet prepared by me especially keeping the course in mind, all materials of crafts and computer presenatations.- ALL USEFUL FOR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND SCHOOL PROJECTS.

Japanese Cherry Blossom Tree
Chinese Origami bookmarks

Australian Koala bear wall-hangings

Aztec Sun-god symbol as a fridge magnet

Greek Trojan horse

Egyptian pyramid on a piece of land from the desert

Fridge magnets- Australian aboriginal drawings

Fridge magnet- Aztec sun-god symbol

Fridge magnets- Chinese paper lanterns and Japanese Origami butterflies

Fridge magnets- Pyramids on a piece of desert land

Fridge magnet- A typical Greek urn

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